
March Prayer Spotlight

Ladies' Ministries and Prayer Advance

Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month

Month is Pastor's Wife Appreciation Month. We greatly appreciate Maegan Raeside and all she does for our church congregation!

Easter Program

Easter program practice will begin on March 23rd for all ages. If you are interested, please see Maegan Raeside.

Sunday Evening Small Groups

A six week small group study on the fruit of the spirit will begin on March 23rd at 6:00 pm. More information coming soon.

Nursery Workers Needed

If you are interested in helping in the nursery on Sunday nights, please sign up on the sheets at the back exits.

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

  • May 18th - Church Picnic
  • June 2nd - Children's Camp
  • July 7th - 11th is Bible School

Baby Dedication

The church would like to have a baby dedication in 2025. If you are interested, please let Pastor John know. A date will be set once we see if there is an interest. 

Prayer Event Sunday, March 16, 2025

First Baptist Church of Jonesville will be hosting an evening of music and prayer with other churches in our community. Everyone is encouraged to attend as we ask the Lord to work in our churches, communities, and Nation.

2025 Information Update

We are updating our records for the church office. Information sheets are at each exit. Please fill one out even if your information has not changed. If you have just joined our church or have been visiting, we would like you to fill one out. Updates can be placed in the offering plates or in one of the trays at each exit in the back of the sanctuary.

Ladies' Prayer Advance

Ladies' Prayer Advance is March 27-29, 2025

Tuesday Prayer Time

The church will be open every Tuesday from 12 noon until 1 pm for prayer time in the sanctuary.

Clothing Closet

Needed items: men's clothing & shoes, children's coats & shoes, blankets, and socks of all sizes. They will accept donations from the congregation after each morning service.

Random Acts of Kindness

All youth are invited to help with "Not So Random Acts of Kindness" each Wednesday evening. Contact Freddie Fields for more information.

Music Ministry

If you are interested in singing or playing an instrument for prelude, congregational singing, offertory, or special music please see Maegan Raeside.

Recovery Through Christ Men's Home

If you are interested in purchasing a hoodie or long sleeve t-shirt with RTC Ministries and Luke 8:36 printed on them, please see Jack or Tina Raeside.

Sunday Morning Service Schedule

Sunday morning services schedule is as follows:

Sunday School will begin at 9:45 with the following adult classes available:

Norma Livesay: God's Gracious Guidance

Sindy Fields: Genesis

Ronnie McFarland: Ezekiel

Freddie Fields: Something Needs to Change by David Platt

Grant & Mary Baker: Young Adult Class (Ages 18 - 30)


K-3rd Grade

4th-6th Grade

The youth will meet in Freddie Fields' old Sunday School room.

Church service will begin at 11 am.

Nursery (Birth-2 years) and Children's Church (3-8 years) is available during the morning service.

Cancellations and Schedule Changes

A reminder that all cancellations and schedule changes are posted to the church website. Check back often!

FBC App for Smartphones Is Now Available!

A new app is now available to download for those people that have smartphones. We are excited about this and all the features that will be available. The QR code was placed in the bulletin insert. You can also download it by following the link below. The app is free to download.